(«For meg er rollen som beboerrepresentant en lærerik og spennende rolle. Rollen gir relevant styreerfaring og innsikt i hvordan et større eiendomsselskap drives. Med vervet får du samtidig jobbe for studentenes velferd og trivsel og du er studentenes stemme inn til styret. Du får også muligheten til å arrangere sosiale events for beboerne, og være med på å gjøre BSN til en god plass å bo! Jeg vil anbefale dette vervet for alle som sitter med et ønske om å bidra til fellesskapet og å jobbe for studentenes velferd.» Beboerrepresentant i BSN styret, Brian Dale)

BSN is looking for a new Resident Representative from fall 2024

As the resident representative, you will have a unique opportunity to contribute to the well-being of the residents while gaining experience from a well-managed real estate company.

BSN is an independent foundation with 598 housing units for BI students. The foundation was started by BI students in Sandvika in the 1990s and is still directly connected to BI and the students through the board. The board consists of the resident representative with a deputy, external representatives, a representative from BI, and a representative from BISO. The board approves remuneration annually; in 2023, the resident representative was compensated with NOK 31,239, and the deputy representative with NOK 2,603 per meeting. The deputy is expected to attend every meeting, approximately 6-7 times a year.

The resident representative is initially elected as a deputy to become familiar with the tasks in collaboration with the current resident representative. This way, the deputy and the resident representative work as a team on issues that affect the residents. Additionally, they manage a welfare budget of approximately NOK 80,000 annually, which has previously been used for events for residents, furnishing the rooftop terrace, and more.

Brian Dale took over as the resident representative in the spring of 2024. The newly elected deputy will become a full board member during 2025.

Responsibilities of the Resident Representative:

  • Gain board experience in a well-managed independent foundation.
  • Safeguard the residents’ interests on the board.
  • Participate in the further development of the Boligstiftelsen Nydalen.
  • Communicate the residents’ interests to the administration.
  • Facilitate events for BSN residents.
  • Receive board remuneration for the work.

Express your interest in the position by August 20, 2024, by sending an email to utleie@bsn.no (no CV or cover letter required).

For interest and questions about the position, contact the board secretary at utleie@bsn.no. Brian can be contacted for questions at brian.dalee11@gmail.com or through the resident representative’s Facebook page “BSN beboer events”.